🗓️ Weekly Reset #6 — High Energy Time

👋 Hey friends,

Another week of 2024 is in the books. I hope it was a good one for you.

🗝️ Key Idea: High Energy Time

When I wake up in the morning, it takes me a bit to get going. I'm not one of those "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" people who wakes up ready to take on the day. Despite this, I know that once I do convince myself to roll out of bed, the next two hours are my best two of the day. These 120 minutes are my freshest and most creative. They are my "High Energy Time."

Commonly, when we talk about productivity, we are told to “Defend Your Schedule” and not let people fill it with their tasks. This is sound advice, but I would propose one minor tweak to it. Instead of prioritizing our time, we need to prioritize our energy. Identify your "High Energy Time" and defend it valiantly. This is the time when progress is made, and it should be reserved for your highest leverage tasks. This is the time when I work on my Daily Highlight and avoid my phone like the plague.

📼 Video: E-Ink Q&A

Sometimes viewers get frustrated when I don't answer their questions in the comments of videos. Usually, when I don't answer a comment, it's because it's a good question with an answer that requires nuance—typically, more nuance than I can fit in a quick comment response. This week, I took some of those nuanced questions and hopped on a livestream to try to give them the answers they deserved. It was a fun time. Thank you to everyone who came and hung out.

🪄 Tool of the Week: Cleanshot X (Affiliate)

MacOS has great screenshot support built-in, but Cleanshot X takes what comes out of the box and elevates it to the next level. As a Product Designer, I take a ton of screenshots, and Cleanshot X makes that a joy. It's easy to take a screenshot and annotate it with a single keyboard shortcut. One of its best features is that it allows you to take scrolling screenshots, which is key when what you need to screenshot doesn't fit on a single screen.

I'm curious, when is your "High Energy Time?" Reply to this email and let me know.

Have a great week!
Brandon Boswell

I want to send a Thank You to Fairelyte and Sara who bought me coffee this week. If you would like to show your support, here's the link to Buy Me A Coffee

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